Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities

February 5 & 6, 2025

Test Program

Wednesday February 9, 2022

All times eastern

11:30am-11:45am Welcome
Speaker TBD
11:45am-12:30pm Keynote A
Amber Cutter, Self-Advocate
12:30pm-12:40pm Break
12:40pm-1:40pm Breakout A
(5 sessions to choose from)

  1. Assessment of severe self -injurious behavior (SIB) in children and youth with Autism and global developmental delays
    Presented by: Robin Friedlander, BC Children’s Hospital; Katie Allen, BC Children’s Hospital; Anamaria Richardson, BC Children’s Hospital
  2. Breathe and Blossom: Mindfulness and Yoga for Youth with IDD
    Presented by: Natalie Healy, Surrey Place
  3. Building Capacity for Successful Aging and Health: A cross sectoral collaborative approach to supporting older adults with developmental disabilities.
    Presented by: Andrea Rutherford, Humber College – Faculty of Social and Community Services; Paula Frappier, Homewood Health Centre and CMHA (Waterloo, Wellington); Robin Smart, Alzheimer Society – Waterloo Wellington; Brenda Van Houtven, Parents for Community Living; Catherine Ryan, Community Living DufferinANDPromoting Healthy Systems through Trauma-Informed Care: The Implementation of a Learning Collaborative among Organizations for People with Developmental Disabilities in the United States
    Presented by: Steve Brown, The Traumatic Stress Institute, Klingberg Family Centers; John Keesler, Indiana University Bloomington; Jade Presnell, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
  4. Is there a role for virtual health care for patients with developmental disabilities?
    Presented by: Avra Selick, University of Toronto
  5. Learning together: A conversation on patient engagement perspectives in IDD health education and research initiatives at the Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre
    Presented by: Muhammad Irfan Jiwa, Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Yousef Safar, Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health; Sabrina Campanella, Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Victor Pereira, Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Erica Streisslberger, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
1:40pm-2:10pm Networking / Poster Viewing
2:10pm-2:20pm Break
2:20pm-3:20pm Breakout B
(5 sessions to choose from)

  1. “It’s like a shockwave”: Initial findings of dissertation research with bereaved people with developmental disabilities
    Presented by: Cara Grosset, Wilfrid Laurier University
  2. Dual Diagnosis Alternate Level of Care Prototype
    Presented by: Dianna Cochrane, Ministry of Health; Ryan Hodgson, Ministry of Health
  3. Hospital-Based Adaptive Care Planning for Children/Youth with Developmental Disability/Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Model of Family-Centred, Integrated, Interdisciplinary, and Individualized Adapted Care
    Presented by: Joelene Huber, The Hospital for Sick Children/Surrey Place Division of Developmental Paediatrics, Department of Paediatrics University of Toronto; Jessica Esufali, The Hospital for Sick Children; Chantal St. Jules, The Hospital for Sick Children; Natasha Mills, The Hospital for Sick Children; Aliya Rahim, The Hospital for Sick Children/Surrey Place and Brock University; Caleb Tait, The Hospital for Sick Children; Nicole Staples-Dorey, The Hospital for Sick Children/Surrey Place; Stacie Carroll, Toronto District School Board and The Hospital for Sick Children
  4. Identification and management of catatonia in youth with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
    Presented by: Anupam Thakur, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health/ Surrey Place; Pushpal Desarkar, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  5. Perspectives of Manitoban Community Home Staff on the Process of Transitioning from a Congregate Care Setting to Homes in the Community
    Presented by: Lindsay McCombe, St.Amant Research CentreANDResilience of Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities Living in the Community: Perspectives of Family Members
    Presented by: Margherita Cameranesi, Dalhousie UniversityANDChanges in the Quality of Life of Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities Following Community Transition: A Canadian Study
    Presented by: Margherita Cameranesi, Dalhousie University
3:20pm-3:30pm Break
3:30pm-4:30pm Breakout C
(4 sessions to choose from)

  1. Adapting an established virtual educational model to support frontline providers in caring for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Presented by: Anupam Thakur, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health/Surrey Place; Angela Gonzales, Surrey Place; Cheryl Pereira, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Erica Streisslberger, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Gill Lefkowitz, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Kendra Thomson, Azrieli Neurodevelopmental Centre, CAMH; Nadia Mia, Surrey Place; Renisha Iruthayanathan, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Ullanda Niel, Surrey Place and Scarborough Healthy Communities Health Centre; Yona Lunsky, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
  2. Best Practices in Supporting the Mental Health of Neurodiverse Children and Adolescents
    Presented by: Jonathan Weiss, York University; Cathy Lonergan, Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa; Caitlyn Gallant, York University; Sean Robb, McMaster University
  3. The Bi pi maadzing zaagidwin teg jichaaming / Circle of Life in the Spirit of Love Project
    Presented by: Dorothy Elie, Independent; Kim Daniel, Surrey Place; Serena Hickes ᐃᑯᐊᓛᖅ, Independent; Defne Inceoglu, Surrey Place; Judy Verseghy, Surrey Place
  4. Towards Building Dementia Knowledgeable Supports
    Presented by: Leslie Udell, NTG Canadian Consortium
4:30pm-4:45pm Closing Remarks
Speaker TBD

Thursday February 10, 2022

All times eastern

11:30am-11:45am Welcome
Speaker TBD
11:45am-12:30pm Keynote B
Chris Hatton, Professor of Social Care, Manchester Metropolitan University
12:30pm-12:40pm Break
12:40pm-1:40pm Breakout D
(5 sessions to choose from)

  1. Cross Sector Collaboration – Aging and DevelopmentalDisabilities
    Presented by: Cindy Dodd, Central LHIN; Sandy Stemp, Reena
  2. Issues Facing Canadian Siblings of People with Developmental Disabilities: Opportunities, Challenges and Innovative Practices to Support Health and Well-being
    Presented by: Helen Ries, The Sibling Collaborative; Nicole Bobbette, Queen’s University; Brianne Redquest, Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary; Yona Lunsky, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
  3. Pivoting Community Network of Specialized Care Supports for Complex Health Care Needs of People with IDD, Caregivers and Service Providers During Pandemic Times, and Continuing Innovative Strategies for Future
    Presented by: Cindy Chatzis, Regional Support Associates; Angela Gonzales, Surrey Place; Kim Perrier, Surrey Place
  4. Youth’s perspectives on fostering supportive conversations about mental health
    Presented by: Patrick Jachyra, Durham University
  5. Zi-Fi’ & ‘sLO-CO’- Using simple approacheswith video to teach new skills in less time and with a fraction of the cost.
    Presented by: Renee Lieu, Family MemberANDCaregiver Sensory Education Group: Adapting to Virtual Service Delivery
    Presented by: Madiha Sultan, Surrey Place; Andrea Tsang, Surrey Place
1:40pm-2:10pm Networking/Poster Viewing
2:10pm-2:20pm Break
2:20pm-3:20pm Breakout E
(5 sessions to choose from)

  1. A realist review of programs for siblings of children who have an intellectual/developmental disability: Implications for current and future support
    Presented by: Sandra Marquis, School of Nursing University of British ColumbiaANDThe Mental Health of Parents and Siblings of Children who have Intellectual/Developmental Disability and Live in British Columbia
    Presented by: Sandra Marquis, School of Nursing University of British Columbia
  2. COVID-19 Health Monitoring & Supportive Care in Home and/or Developmental Services Residential Care Settings
    Presented by: Karen Cowan, New Visions; Sandy Stemp, Reena
  3. Overlooked Youth: Homelessness and Disability in Ableist Systems, A Partnering for Change Project Forum Theatre Presentation
    Presented by: Ann Fudge Schormans, School of Social Work McMaster University
  4. The processing of Trauma in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Presented by: Bob King, Surrey Place
  5. Tools for the IDD Palliative Care Journey: Capacity Building High Quality Palliative Care. Introducing a Specialized Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Palliative Care Toolkit for Ontario.
    Presented by: Tracey Human, Pain & Symptom Management Consultation (PPSMC) Toronto Program; Angela Gonzales, Surrey Place
3:20pm-3:30pm Break
3:30pm-4:30pm Keynote C
Primay Care Panel: Alicia Thatcher MD, CCFP (she/her/hers); Karen McNeil MD; Ullanda Neil MD, CCFP
4:30pm-4:45pm Closing Remarks
Speaker TBD